Traditional Furniture in Modern Home

Mixing Traditional Furniture in Modern Homes is never easy. How in the world can we Mix and Match Traditional into Modern? Well, we are here to ease your burden a little…

Traditional Furniture is timeless. It can last for years retaining its own aura at home. Modern homes at present have very limited options for accommodating such grand furniture. Still, wooden furniture tops the search trends when categorized under home furniture worldwide.

We believe that Quality Never Goes Out of Style. Still Wondering, how can you fit Traditional Furniture in Modern Homes? How in the world can we Mix and Match Traditional into Modern? Well, we are here to ease your burden a little…

Traditional Furniture no doubt is classy. A great way to make your place evergreen. The designs and make are timeless. That being said, in modern themes, it is very crucial to place it well to avoid any mismatch.

Here are a few of the things you can keep in mind while placing Traditional Furniture in a modern home.

Traditional Furniture

1. Furniture Fabric

Fabric is a vital part of Wooden Furniture. The furniture fabric should match the patterns on Walls. The fabric of the Wooden Furniture should be planar or glossy if the theme is royal. It should be funky if the walls are planar. Most of our modern homes have plan walls except for one textured for depth. One can place a cozy designer hand-carved furniture with smooth pattern fabric.

2. The Color

Color defines the Wooden Furniture piece as well as the whole theme of your home. Look for Rich warm colors for royal themes whereas if the home theme is gray, look for mid-tones such as monochrome white or pale yellow or lime. you can even try glossy black but don’t get everything on the same tone. It will simply dull out everything. It is better to have wooden furniture colored as per fabric and the home theme.

3. The Contrast

With Fabric and Color, comes Contrast which is equally important. Everything comes apart if the contrast is not set. You can choose whatever color you need and the material of the fabric you desire, but if that is not contrasting enough, it will get the whole picture blurry. Check for color tones – High with Low. Want to highlight something? Get that thing in a higher tone and the other things in lower tones. Too Shiny?? Go for the Opposite. This does not mean using this one thing sets everything right. You need to compartmentalize as small as you can. First set larger furniture frames and then go for smaller units that make the whole picture.

4. Number

Okay Now. Fabric Check √. Color Check √. Contrast Check √. Still something not right? Looks Crowded.. isn’t it? Here, Number comes into play. The number of furniture units cannot be ruled out. Should it be even or odd you decide, but it should be right. Designs also sometimes make it too complicated.

5. Space

Management is one thing that can get drive everyone nuts. I mean how can we set so many things just the way we want without looking dull and boring. Right?? It is the space you should give a thought to at all times. After all, you have taken so many pains to get the Color, fabric, contrast, even the number. Just one left, Space. Space is crucial to our modern homes as this is one thing that we simply do not have. Even a large hall seems small when it comes to its usage.

That being said, as every other point has been thought of, you can now relax and set the furniture as you want but it should be spacious. It should be easy to find your place in the area. Imagine if a guest tries to move from one place to another and find your pretty stylish wooden furniture in his/her own way. Remember one thing. Make it look grand but simple. Simplicity is the Key.


So now that we have spoken about the four major points while setting your Wooden Furniture in your Modern Home.


There is one thing that I never spoke of. Well, this is one thing that really makes your home well-loved by you.


It is the human element. This has been discussed over and over again but this simply cannot be explained well. This one thing is your own sentiments. It is YOU who want to have everything your way. It should be just like you want and then, not only you but others also will praise it. Give it your human touch. Make that place your home. All yours now!! Give it a try and do comment if I left anything out (Which I have for sure ;-))

Have a look at our exclusive range of Furniture for Home Palaces. Check out our YouTube Channel and subscribe to dive into the world of traditional furniture handcrafted by Indian Artisans.

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