7 Amazing Sofa Set Types for a Unique Living Room

7 Amazing Sofa Set Types and Their Usage

Sofa Sets are the most common furniture that is prominently searched for. The motive is clear-cut. To find something that will give your guests and family and out of this world experience. We bring you 7 amazing sofa set types that are often liked by our clients.

The sofa set remains the center of attraction as soon as someone enters our living room. Therefore, it is important to balance comfort with attractiveness to get the best possible effect. The living room is often understood as the primary gathering space in a house for families and guests alike. Everything in our house reflects our personality.

At Aarsun, we feel that each home deserves a unique sofa set type as each home has a unique story behind it. You will find sofas for every budget, every interior design, and every type of space, whether you are looking for an open-layout living room or a small apartment.

Grab a Chair! Sit back and enjoy the Sofa Set Types that will definitely stun your guests. We hope by the end, you will get your Sofa Set matching your life story!


In India, we always had an open area to sit and discuss things that are important to us. Now it can be with our family members or it can be entertaining our guests. The Baithak concept is really here to stay.

And so is the Traditional Sofa Set Type. The traditional sofa reflects our Indian Art; it can last for years retaining its own aura at home. The traditional design consists of finely carved sofas that take your home into the classic era. Such traditional sofas and other furniture reflect our rich heritage. The curves and the floral carvings really do justice to the sense of bringing nature in our living room.


The Chesterfield sofa is known for its “quilted” or “tufted” style.  The sofa type goes back to the 18th century when the royal always try to find ways in making their sitting area as comfortable as possible. Chesterfield sofa set type is uniquely characterized by the flat rounded back (instead of a Taj/Crown at the back). The tufted back makes it visually appealing as well as adds comfort for a longer sitting time.

Of course, when it comes to Aarsun, we always try to add a touch of Indian woodworking and handcrafting to every unit we make. So, when you purchase a Chesterfield sofa set type from Aarsun, you get a blend of classic woodworking and the Chesterfield design, and that too customized in your desired color and fashion. Find One Here


The Tuxedo Sofa Set Type finds its name from the Tuxedo Park in New York with its arms and back at the same height and that too tufted like the Chesterfield above. The wooden frame is minimally visible in such cases. The Tuxedo sofa set type is more inclined to geometric patterns and clean lines unlike the one above.

The Tuxedo Style is very common as Loveseats and Chairs as well. And at Aarsun, you can do a little floral carving too along with the frame. You can experiment and get what you want. That is the beauty and power of customization.


The cabriole sofa set type gives us a glimpse of the royal look and feel of the Kings and Queens of the 19th century. Typically, curved legs with concave lower back and convex upper back and no separate back cushion are the distinctive features of a Cabriole Sofa Set type.

The way the curve extends to the handle is astonishing. It is absolutely amazing to see such craftsmanship by hand. The curve is not at all an easy task. It might break the whole pattern into two. It sometimes take months to achieve what you see above.

However, the final outcome is definitely worth the wait. At the end, you get something fabulous that is closer to your desires and personality.

Loveseat Sofas

The loveseat sofa is made for two people (as the name might suggest). This sofa design goes back to the 17th century. They are often a part of a whole living room set. Loveseat can also be placed in the bedroom, a beautiful seating space where you can have a conversation with your partner.

Loveseat sofas are available in different shades and designs that can complement the mesmerizing décor of your living or bedroom. At Aarsun, we have a wide range of designs that can revamp the looks of your living room or bedroom.

Camelback sofa

The camelback sofa’s main design feature is a higher back in the center which descends in a continuous line into the arms of the sofa. It’s a traditional style sofa that creates an elegant look in any home. There are also designs with two arches on the back. The Camel Back sofa set type can have floral carving or geometric lines as per your own specific requirements.

Apart from the basic single or double “hump” shape, the camelback sofa type can have other designs as well depending upon the country you are in. It can be Italy, Great Britain, the USA, India, or the middle east – each and every corner has a unique way of customizing this sofa set type as per their own styles.

Sectional Sofa

Sectional sofas are a great option for those who like to customize their sofa seating space and style options. The sectional sofa consists of two or more sofa or better to say ‘sections’. And together they cover 2 or 3 walls depending on the requirements. It can be a straight couch or can be a U- or L- Shaped.

You’ll never want your living room to look cramped, such as a large Victorian-era sofa, which undoubtedly looks gorgeous, but it is very out of place in your living room, especially if it is not that spacious. With space as a major constraint, the sectional sofa set type is a great rescue. As it comes in parts, you can shift one part to the other room if you want. You can either join them together for a compact sitting or disengage for a better walk-through space.

Two common types of sectional sofas are L-shape and U-shape.

The first thing to consider is which of these designs is right for your home.

L shape sofa:

The L-shaped sofa may appear to be bulky and big at first, but it’s the most suitable option for a small living room as it provides more seating within the limited space. You can use a few additional chaise lounge or a settee with such flexible seating arrangements.

U shaped sofa:

A U-shaped sofa is suitable for spaces like a large family room or lounging areas.  You can see U-Shape Sofa Set Type as an extension to the L-Shape sofa type. Nowadays, people with large families are more inclined towards developing large additional spaces in their houses, mostly for entertainment or family gatherings. As these sofas are much larger than L-shaped designs, you get more of everything.

However, you should give a clear thought about what is right for your space or you will end up having a bulky unit which does not go with your interiors, making the space congested. In case you are not clear about the space utilization and other aspects, check out our blog post on “Best Furniture Ideas for Home Space“.

Checkout a few more articles about our amazing furniture:

  1. Saharanpur Handicrafts
  2. Traditional Furniture in Modern Home
  3. Best Furniture Ideas for Home Space
  4. Custom Made Wooden Furniture for Home

I hope you liked these 7 amazing sofa set types. Finding the right sofa for the center of a room is never easy. After reading this post, we hope you will be able to get a good-quality couch. If you have any questions, we have a wonderful team at Aarsun ready to clear your doubts on everything about looking for and buying furniture online. Just give us a call at +91-8192999135 or share your requirements on the same number via WhatsApp/Telegram. Kindly check out our YouTube channel for more videos.

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