Our Earth completes one revolution around the Sun in 365 days, 6 hours and 9 minutes. The 6 hours taken in this one rotation are not counted every year and every fourth year, 24 hours or 1 day (Leap Day) is added to the annual calendar. For this reason, there are 29 days in February of leap year.
29th February is a date which does not come every year. Generally, every year the month of February of 28 days becomes 29 days in the fourth year. This 1 extra day is called Leap Day. The year in which there are 29 days in the month of February in the calendar is called Leap Year. In such a situation, in case of leap year there are 366 days in the year, not 365 days.
Our Earth completes one revolution around the Sun in 365 days, 6 hours and 9 minutes. The 6 hours taken in this one rotation are not counted every year and every fourth year it is added by adding 24 hours or 1 day to the annual calendar. For this reason, there are 29 days in February of leap year.
Leap Day is actually related to the Earth's rotation around the Sun and seasonal changes. In such a situation, the importance of this day establishes a balance between the calendar and the actual rotation of our Earth. If we remove leap day from the calendar, then the counting of days of the calendar from which we know the date will gradually deviate. In this situation, we will not be able to define the pattern of weather changes caused by the Earth's rotation.
For example, in our country we experience winter from November to February, summer from March to June and rainy season from July to October. If we remove leap day from the calendar, we will see many changes in this pattern in the future and the coordination between the calendar and weather calculations will gradually end.