Singing reality show 'Indian Idol 14' has found its winner. Vaibhav Gupta of Kanpur has won the title of this season. In the finale, he gave a tough competition to Piyush Pawar, Ananya Pal and Shubhdeep Das Chaudhary and won the winner's trophy.
Second runner up Piyush Panwar also got a prize of Rs 5 lakh. Apart from this, third runner up Ananya Pal was awarded a check of Rs 3 lakh.
Before winning the Indian Idol trophy, he had also won the title of Voice of Kanpur in 2013. Vaibhav was fond of singing since childhood. He learned classical music in school itself
Vaibhav's family wanted him to become an engineer. But he had dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood. Today, with his hard work and dedication, Vaibhav fulfilled his dream. After winning Indian Idol, now the doors of the industry have also opened for him.
Vaibhav has impressed the judges every time with his excellent singing. This year, Vishal Dadlani, Kumar Sanu and Shreya Ghoshal judged the show. So Neha Kakkar and Sonu Nigam were seen as special guests in the grand finale of the show. Here both of them impressed with their excellent voices.