Top 7 Importance Of Paush Putrada Ekadashi

Vishnu is the god of preservation and is often associated with fertility and childbirth.

It is a day to pray to Vishnu for the blessing of a son

The fast is believed to cleanse the body and mind, and to make the devotee more receptive to Vishnu's blessings.

It is a day to observe a fast and to focus on spiritual pursuits

Charity is believed to bring good karma and to help to ensure that the devotee's prayers are answered.

It is a day to perform charity and to help those in need

The festival is a reminder of the importance of family and of the love between parents and their children.

It is a day to celebrate the bond between parents and children

The festival is a time to think about the purpose of life and to seek guidance from Vishnu.

It is a day to reflect on the meaning of life

The festival is a time to let go of worries and to focus on the positive aspects of life.

It is a day to find peace and happiness

The festival is a time to appreciate the natural world and to be thankful for all that one has.

It is a day to celebrate the beauty of the world