Fascinating Mystery: Why do the eyes of the idol of Ram Lalla in Ram temple look so real?

Skillful artistry: The sculptor, Arun Yogiraj, is a renowned artist known for his meticulous work and ability to capture lifelike expressions in his sculptures. He used blackstone with its inherent depth and shadow-play, contributing to the eyes' apparent realism.

Psychological factors: Human perception tends to anthropomorphize, finding human-like features in objects. This, combined with the inherent importance and emotional connection many believers have with the idol, can amplify the perception of realness in the eyes.

Lighting and context: The positioning of the idol and the use of light within the temple can create shadows and reflections that enhance the appearance of depth and emotion in the eyes, adding to the illusion of realness.

Symbolic Importance: In Hindu tradition, the eyes are often associated with wisdom, knowledge, and inner light. The lifelike appearance of the eyes could be interpreted as a symbol of Lord Ram's divine qualities.

Sculpting Expertise: The sculptor, Arun Yogiraj, is a renowned artist known for his lifelike portrayals. He likely used a combination of traditional techniques and modern tools to achieve a high degree of detail in the eyes, including precise irises, pupils, and lids.

Material Choice: The black stone used for the idol, known as Shaligrama Shila, has natural variations in color and texture that can mimic the appearance of real eyes.

Religious belief: For many devotees, the idol is not simply a statue but a divine being. This faith can imbue the idol with a sense of life and presence, making the eyes appear to follow, watch, or emote based on personal belief and interpretation.