7 Iconic Temples Of Vrindavan:History, beauty, and divinity

Sri Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir (ISKCON Vrindavan): This expansive and ornately decorated temple complex is a must-visit for any devotee of Krishna.

Prem Mandir, Vrindavan: This Hindu temple is known for its carved pillars and domes, and its beautiful gardens with fountains. The temple is illuminated at night, creating a truly magical atmosphere.

Shri Radha Madan Mohan Ji Temple, Vrindavan: This scenic temple dates back to the 16th century and has a beautiful terra cotta exterior and river views.

Shahji Temple, Vrindavan: This 19th-century Hindu temple features twisted marble pillars and a hall with Belgian chandeliers.

Sri Rangnath Ji Mandir: This large, ornate Hindu temple is dedicated to an 8th-century Vaishnava saint and features regular festivals.

Gopinath Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Krishna in his form as a cowherd boy. The temple has a beautiful garden and a lake, and is a popular spot for picnicking.

Radha Raman Temple: This temple is dedicated to Radha and Krishna, and is known for its beautiful paintings and sculptures.